Title Sponsor ISSW 2023
The ISSW (International Snow Science Workshop) is the largest snow and avalanche conference in the world. The ISSW is held every two years, alternating between Europe, the USA and Canada. This year the event will be held from 08. – 13. October 2023 in Bend, OR (USA). The ISSW will be welcoming around 1,000 local, national and international participants, from experts to decision-makers and stakeholders, are expected to attend the ISSW 2023. The thematic focus lies on current advances in snow and avalanche science, case studies and innovative technologies on an international level. Unlike any other symposium, the ISSW promotes an international and interdisciplinary exchange between experts in the snow community. Different presentation formats like oral and poster presentations, panel discussions, as well as the integration of an international exhibition, allow a direct interaction amongst the broad target audience.

Trailer ISSW 2023